Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sykes Enterprises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 14
Sykes Enterprises - Essay Example Convergys Corporations and TeleTech Holdings Inc. have been the major players in the industry that have captured a larger segment of the market leading to small companies like Sykes Enterprises focusing on cost-competitive strategies rather than quality competitiveness. The mission of Sykes is to provide its customers with competitive rates so that it can provide its customers with the lowest rates. Sykes’ strategy is to compete with the industry leaders on cost. It has to thus ensure that its operations stay profitable for it to continue its operations. Its mission and objectives are aligned with the amount of competition in the market and allow Sykes to target the same companies its competitors are targeting, however, offering the lowest rates in town. There is no need to review the mission and objectives, but the strategy needs re-working. It is obvious that Sykes can take more than one action to improve its revenues and build a profitable business. The closure of its operations in India has resulted in the consolidation of its costs in the United States. The competitors of Sykes have resorted to opening up call centers in South East Asian nations such as the Philippines to counter the high turnover costs and possible wage rises in Indian cities due to growing economies. One of the strategic alternatives for Sykes could be to introduce a culture of hiring fresh graduates and providing them training and binding them with contracts to serve Sykes for a period of two years. This would result in a significant drop in turnover for a temporary period. Reduction in the hiring and firing costs will result in lower running costs that will allow Sykes to offer lower rates to its customers. It would be wise for Sykes to continue its contracts with various towns and cities and gather benefits in taxation and other utilities offering employment in return. The reduction in taxes would result in lower deductions in the revenues. The reduction would improve the profitability, though not necessarily the revenues.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Valchromat Pros and Cons
Valchromat Pros and Cons This is our report on our exploration of a manufactured board known as Valchromat. Valchromat is a unique and high quality wood fibre board that is coloured throughout. There is another product similar to it called Fibracolour but this does not match up to the many qualities of Valchromat which we will explore later. We have chosen this topic for several reasons. It is interesting and unheard of to many people while it also relates to two of our learning outcomes in that it is a versatile material that can be used in furniture construction and that it can be used as an architectural woodworking component. A brief description of Valchromat It comes in 8 colours and 7 different thicknesses. Valchromat is made from forest waste, residue from timber mills and recycled pine.http://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/10.jpghttp://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/1.jpghttp://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/8.jpghttp://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/6.jpghttp://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/4.jpghttp://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/16.jpghttp://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/12.jpg Its manufacturing process is extremely environmentally friendly. Its production site has zero carbon Emissions. It is manufactured using organic dyes and a specially formed binding resin that ensure exceptional physical and mechanical characteristics while keeping a natural appearance. It is also approved by the British Standards association for safe use in the manufacture of childrens toys.http://www.valchromatsa.com/pics/product/14.jpg It sounds like the perfect manufactured board but can it really be that good? Brief History Of Valchromat Valchromat was created in the research department of valbopan in Portugal as they wanted to improve and develop new and existing wood related products. There was a gap in the market that called for a product combining colour and the features that could already be found in manufactured boards. It was first introduced in Paris in 1998 at the Aprofal fair where it won the technological innovation prise and the display prise. It then hit the market in 1999 through distribution channels in France Switzerland and Belgium. Over the past 30 years MDF has never been completely accepted by specialists as an adequate product for different finishes and decorative processes. Valchromat has broken this taboo. Valchromat is apparently 30 % stronger and more stable than MDF board and can be completely moisture resistant with the right finish. It also increases the lifespan of tools due to a lubricant agent in its composition. But if Valchromat contains all these qualities, then surely most other manufactured boards will also? Manufacturing of Valchromat The wood pigments and glues are carefully selected. The wood is peeled from the bark and torn into small chips. Then the chips are run through a powerful magnet to remove 99% of metals. They are then washed to remove 80 90% of sand which according to the manufactures will reduce the wear and tear on tools. The chips are then sorted into similar sizes and steam cooked. This makes the chips soft and eaier to isolate the fibres. The organic pigments and glue are then added to the fibres. When this mixture has dried the valchromat is pressed in a large press forming large sized sheets. It is then cut to size and assessed in quality control. Properties of Valchromat The Advantages and Disadvantages Valchromat has many advantages above standard MDF. These include strength, wear and tear, machining, environmental and health aspects, variety and finish choices. Strength: During processing special resins are added to the wood fibres bonding them together causing Valchromat to be 30% stronger than ordinary MDF. Due to the strength of Valchromat it can be used in areas of construction requiring high strength material such as, counter tops, table tops, ceilings and walls. Standard MDF would be unsuitable in some cases of these areas of construction as bowing over a large span can be an issue. Wear and tear: Unlike standard MDF, Valchromat is soaked all the way through with organic colour die allowing scratches difficult to detect. Sanding and re-lacquering is all that is required to bring Valchromat panels back to their finished state. Machining: Contained in the special wood fibre bonding resin used in Valchromat is an organic base chemical called melamine. This chemical has lubricated properties which allow the blades of cutting tools to glide through the wood free from friction. It has been verified that blades of cutting tools used for cutting only Valchromat have a life span of four times longer than blades used for cutting standard MDF. Environmental and health aspects: Valchromat is an environmental friendly non-toxic substance made from recycled pine wood and mill waste. Valchromat panels are manufactured using waste wood such as branches and chips from softwood forests. In using waste wood Valchromat helps to sustain forests and minimize carbon emissions given off from felling machinery. Also the carcinogenic odorless chemical gas known as formaldehyde which is found in the wood fibre bonding resin used in standard MDF is absent in Valchromat where a special organic non- toxic wood fibre bonding resin is used allowing Valchomat safe to be used in the manufacture of kids toys. Valchromat also use the same colour dye used in fabric. This dye is organic and non-toxic. Finishing choices All finishes such as lacquer, wax, oil, fire retardant and glossy will give an immense finish when applied to Valchromat. Valchromat is set to take the place of MDF as the standard manufactured panel board used in furniture construction due to its superior strength, moisture resistance and adaptability. Valchromat can take just about any finish required unlike MDF and it surpasses most standard required for furniture construction. http://www.iscsupply.com/id172.html Standards ValchromatÂÂ ® is classified E1 (very low formaldehyde) and has been approved by the British Standards Association for the safe use in the manufacture of childrens toys. http://www.valchromatsa.com/product/index.html Valchromat holds many certificates aswell as their own extremely high standards SGS Certificate Factory production Control certificate Conformity Declaration Certificate Uses of Valchromat Valchromat is leading the field in manufactured boards. It is mostly used in high end furniture construction at the moment but is sure to work its way down to the small workshop because of its superiority to other manufactured boards. Valchromat is used by the leading designers and manufacturers in the furniture industry. Its adaptability means it is used for different furniture projects from table tops, kitchens, Bathrooms, shelving, wall cladding and other things. Valchromat has won numerous awards and has been on show in many prestiges exhibitions. Tent London will host a dramatic pop up cafe bar pavilion designed by award-winning London design studio, Vonsung. From 23-26 September 2010, visitors to Tent London will have the opportunity to experience Vonsungs striking pop-up cafe bar. Commissioned by Tent London the pavilion will provide a unique dining and bar space for the duration of the event. A fast build, the primary structure will be constructed from materials loaned from Vonsungs existing project sites. The cladding material, which will encase the floor and ceiling, is Bolon, a world leader in woven vinyl material. The walls will be ValchromatÂÂ ®, an innovative, award-winning engineered coloured wood, used by architects, designers and decorators. The whole structure will be illuminated by both skylight and dramatic indoor lighting, forming shadows and silhouettes, it will create a compelling feature within Tent Londons design event. http://tentlondon.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html Interlam is one of the leading manufacturers of carved wooden panels and one of its main materials is Valchromat alongside other materials. INTERLAMÂÂ ® was established in 1985 as an Italian High pressure laminate distributor.ÂÂ Over the past 23 years we have grown to become a leading manufacturer of sculpted wall panels and expanded our line of architectural components.ÂÂ INTERLAMÂÂ ® is a designer and manufacturer of high-end SCULPTED WALL PANELS,ÂÂ CARVED WALL PANELS, DECORATIVE WALL PANELS, ORNAMENTAL WALL PANELS and components based in the United States and exporting to all corners of the globe. The cornerstone of our business is creating and supplying products to the AD community that add significant value to their individual projects. Water resistant, Ecological and Strong; just some of the words used to describe Valchromat from Interlam. Valchromat uses Special resins that are added to the wood fibre during processing which bonds the fibre together. This causes Valchromat to be 30% stronger than standard MDF. Add to that the fact that Valchromat can be used as. Walls, cabinets, seating, tables, ceilings, counters, and general millwork as well as counter tops, table tops, store fronts, and high moisture areas. http://www.interlam-design.com/Products.cfm The TazCorporation is a another major user of Valchromat in furniture manufacture for both local and international markets Valchromat was created to address the need to overcome the limitation of the existing wood fibre materials in the marketplace. For a few decades, MDF has never really been accepted by specialists as an adequate product for different finishes and decorative purposes. Valchromat has broken this convention by introducing a new aesthetic concept of its own while complying with the chemical and mechanical specifications of the MDF. In addition, Valchromat has been awarded for its significant technical innovation ever since its introduction in the Approfal Fair, Paris in 1998. The material has since undergone different industrial tests before its full-fledge distribution in Europe in 1999. Future Possibilities At the moment the future of Valchromat looks very healthy. With new designs available with every advancement in technology. It is already used in Kitchens, Bathrooms, and many other household rooms and offices and is making serious inroads in the childrens toys industry. Whatever route furniture construction takes in the next few years Valchromat is bound to be a part of it for a long time When it comes to choosing the best kind of fibreboard there are many options from LMF, MDF, HDF and now valchromat.http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ_K-zGBck77HtTSqEp_vF27qWscAnGc_PWYB80vx1wTD0RWrhRQ The most frequently used fibreboard from knowledge would be MDF (medium density fibre). Its method of manufacture is simple, softwood wood fibres glued under heat and pressure. It has a lot of advantages over solid wood as very little shrinkage and expansion occurs. It is available in large sheets 84 and 95, its Dense, flat, stiff, free of knots, grain not distinguished and very easily machined such as cutting, drilling, filed etc. It can be finished with a variety of solutions such as water based paints, oils, varnishes, lacquers or it can even be laminated. Paint Oil Varnish Lacquer Laminate Along with the advantages of MDF there are also disadvantages, because MDF contains a large amount of glue, this cause blunting to tooling very quickly. Probably the main disadvantage would be the health risks caused by the dust produced from MDF, this is because the fibres are bonded together with formaldehyde resins. Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical and is continuously being released from MDF unless sealed, which can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and mucous membrane. It can also cause irritation to the skin and is cancerous. A new product on the market now is valchromat. It is based on the same principles as MDF but in many ways it is much better. Valchromat unlike MDF is moisture resistant and is recommended to be used in areas with high moisture and humidity, where as MDF will tend to swell and expand when in contact with moisture. The wood fibres come from forest waste and there is no formaldehyde added to the product which makes this product non-toxic and more environmentally friendly unlike its rival MDF. Valchromat is available in a variety of colours due to organic dyes being infused into the wood fibres, these dyes penetrate the wood fibres so that the colours are uniform throughout the board. The dye is also resistant to fading when exposed to UV rays from artificial light. These dyes are non toxic, and they are similar to dyes used in fabrics. Special resins are used to bond the fibres together which along with the organic dyes, make valchromat 30% stronger than standard MDF. Because valchromat comes in coloured panels it is ready for production without the need to be painted, finishes maybe added to deepen the colour of the panel such as lacquer, varnish etc. HDF (high density fibreboard) is another form of fibreboard and in many ways it is much better than MDF. It is manufactured using similar principles as MDF, wood fibres glued together under heat and pressure except, HDF is made from exploded wood fibres and is put under much more pressure than MDF produce a higher quality board. Is HDF a better solution than valchromat? In terms of strength and density . . . . . . . . . . . .Yes, as HDF is 75% denser than MDF (depending on manufacturer), where as valchromat is only 30% denser than MDF. In terms of resistance to moisture and environmental impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No, HDF incorporates the same moisture problems and dangers as MDF, moisture causes the panel to swell and expand, and danger through formaldehyde which can cause health problem such as cancer. Conclusion From doing this report we have definitely met the two learning outcomes stated in the introduction. Valchromat is without a doubt a versatile woodworking material and can be used for many architectural components. We also feel that valchromat , even though it is so versatile, it still would not be our choice for certain jobs like making jigs and other practical items. We have already decided to use it ourselves in some project at some stage in our woodworking careers.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Are Illegal Police Quotas Still Affecting American Citizens? Essay
Are Illegal Police Quotas Still Affecting American Citizens? Just this past summer, one of my good friends was driving through Harrisonburg on his way home from work, when he noticed the one thing all drivers dread, flashing blue lights closing in on him fast. While pulling to the side of the road, he realized there was not one, but two police cars behind him. He knew he had only been going five miles per hour over the speed limit, so he was worried as to why two police cars had just pulled him over. After sitting in fear behind his wheel for several minutes, two cops walked to his car and informed him that he was getting a speeding ticket. Obviously even five miles per hour over the speed limit is still speeding, but what would bring two cops to pull over a car traveling at a speed that almost everyone drives? Statistics from New York City’s Police Department have shown that the number of tickets for miniscule offenses is on the rise, and even though it is illegal for a city to set a formal quota for police to meet, many people believe it is still a common practice to have â€Å"under the table†quotas. According to Compstat, a crime analysis and police management process developed by the New York City Police Department, officers wrote 912,414 parking tickets between January 1 and May 11 of this year, as compared to 877,443 parking tickets during the same period last year, which represents an increase of 3.9%. A spokesman for the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Al O’Leary, said, â€Å"The apparent increase in summonses (in New York City) was fueled by quotas. You can call them goals or targets or management productivity levels, but in a practical world, those are quotas" (Mauldin). Police chiefs everywhere contend that there... ...ity to come up with new forms of revenue, so why bother when they can just keep the quota system bringing in the money. Police are supposed to give the citizens of a city a feeling of security, but these quota systems are slowly turning that once felt sense of security into a sense of paranoia. If this trend continues in America, how long will it be until the population as a whole not only has a distrust, but a flat out hatred of police? The chaos that would happen in this instance may not be as far off as you think. Works Cited Mauldin, William. â€Å"NYPD Is Charged With Setting Quotas?†New York Sun Online 13.5 (2003). 7 Sept. 2003 (http://www.nycpba.org/press-sun/sun-030513-tickets.html). Saltonstall, David. â€Å"Quota’s? What quota’s?†New York Daily News 29.5 (2003). 7 Sept. 2003 (http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/87757p-79862c.html).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Positive relationships with children Essay
Develop positive relationships with children, young people and others involved in their care. 1.1 Explain why positive relationships with children and young people are important and how these are built and maintained. It is essential to build positive relationships with children and young people, as the quality of our relationships with children and young people will make a substantial difference to their behaviour, achievement and overall wellbeing. There are various different ways to encourage children to have positive relationships with practitioners and other professionals as well as other children. Positive relationships are built on trust, for young people trust means knowing someone believes in you and they feel they can confide in you in many different situations. 1.3 Evaluate own effectiveness in building relationships with children and young people. I would consider myself to be effective at building relationships with children and young people. I do this by: * Being a positive role model * Being consistent * Showing genuine interest * Valuing each individual efforts * By acknowledging and talking about feelings * Striving to build positive self esteem * Provide a safe place when things get too much * Having a positive attitude * Providing a positive atmosphere * Being approachable at all times * communicating effectively * sharing information but maintaining confidentiality with other staff * having positive eye contact * acknowledging negative and positive emotions * sharing positive strategies that have helped with other practitoners * acknowledging positive behaviour * maintaining confidentiality * matching resources /lesson to meet each childs needs * providing a friendly, secure environment * respecting all individual needs To maintain a positive relationship with children and young people, you have to show young people you are approachable. Communication skills are therefore influential. Showing children and young people positive behaviour is also vital as positive behaviour encourages young people to have positive attitudes, which include manners and respect. This means that practitioners must be consistent in their moods and behaviour so reactions are predicable. Showing children you are a good listener and you understand in all situations helps with their confidence, giving them praise and encouragement encourages children to be positive. Valuing each Childs achievement helps them to feel they can experiment, fail and not be criticised. This helps with children and young people’s self esteem. Children and young people who feel valued are more likely to have higher self esteem and it is clear ‘from research Weinberg (1978), that children who have high self esteem are more likely to fulfil their potential.’ Children and young people who have good relationships may find they can talk more openly. Further more children who feel someone believes in them are more likely to try harder. 2.1 Explain why positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people are important. It is crucial as the practitioner to build and maintain a strong positive relationship with children’s parents/carers. ‘As good relationships also benefit the quality of interaction between the setting and parents/carers.’ Where relationships are strong parents/carers are more likely to share information, make comments and take interest in what their Childs progressing at and support what areas of improvement maybe needed. This benefits children and young people enormously and helps practitioners to meet their Childs needs. Young people look at their parent’s reactions in order to decide whether or not to be apprehensive. Positive interaction (smiles, laughter) helps children settle in and feel relaxed. For staff and helpers positive relationships in settings mean that they can enjoy their work. Good relationships between staff are extremely important as during times of stress or difficulties other practitioners can share and support one another. Children and young people become aware of the atmosphere and relationships between working staff and model their own behaviour on the way in which you treat each other. Always respect others options. Everybody benefits from having positive relationships with others. Good positive relationships with parents/carers , colleagues and children are enormously important in early years settings as they benefit everybody especially children and young people .This is because positive relationships create a welcoming, confidential and secure atmosphere. Which helps with all round child development.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
In Cold Blood Analysis
Mandeep Kaur Analysis 3B The film Capote is based on the novel In Cold Blood about the murder of the Clutter family. The novel does in the depth about the charters and the plot but the movie leaves out many important details to leave the viewer’s wondering why something happened. Capote focuses on the text and characterization In Cold Blood, as the film Capote challenges the characterization of Perry Smith and Dick Hickock. Perry Smith was described in the novel with crucial details as in the film they skip the introductory details.Perry grew up under difficult circumstances as stated in the book â€Å"six of us riding in an old truck, sleeping in it, too, sometimes, and living off of mush and Hershey kisses and condensed milk. †(131) The film doesn’t’ tell Perry’s upbringing but instead skips to after the murder and his struggle to be free. Being abandoned by his family he went through many traumatic experiences and suffered severe abuse, â€Å"t here was this one nurse†¦ she'd fill a tub with ice-cold water, put me in it, and hold me under till I was blue.Nearly drowned. †(128) Smith later develops a lifelong aversion to which is written in the novel but in the film is not acted out which leaves the audience to wonder why he acts the way he does. The novel portrays Perry’s reoccurring dream about a large bird that saves him from bullies and abusers, â€Å"felt all breath and light leaving me,' he said, in a subsequent description of his sensations. â€Å"The walls of the cell fell away, the sky came down, and I saw the big yellow bird. †(257).While in jail the film shows Perry having a hard time sleeping but ne He is described as a small, muscular man whose body is unique and unproportional â€Å"†¦who could never find trousers to fit his truncated lower half, who wore blue jeans rolled up at the bottom and a leather windbreaker. †(32). Perry never passed the third grade but as an adu lt he has an incredible thirst for knowledge, vocabulary, and literature. His desire to be educated is well portray in the film when Capote gives him laws books to read ad he starts to learn that he may be able to escape death.In the book the author only hints around to his innovation to learn. This characters leaves a first impression that he is calm and gentle, but we later come to know that he is the more brutal of the two murders as we read in the novel, â€Å"'But a nigger,' said Perry. ‘That's different. ‘†(105) When Perry is quoted saying the killed a person for no apparent reason, he is portrayed as a cold hearted killer. The film focuses on only the Clutter murder and not the pervious murder that Smith has committed as we have read in the novel.Dick Hickock, motivated by carnal impulses such as lust, greed, and vanity, was the other murder of the Clutter family. He was described as the master mind and instigator of the murders in the novel. One of his pr ison friends had told him about the Clutter ranch and immediately Dick was drawn to what he called a â€Å"big score†, this was stated in the novel and not in the film Being told that there was a teenage girl living at the Clutter residence names, Nancy, he was further motivated by that fact as well, â€Å"Before I ever went to their house I knew there would be a girl there.I think the main reason I went there was not to rob them but to rape the girl. Because I thought a lot about it. That is one reason why I never wanted to turn back when we started to. †(270) In the film while interviewing with Capote, Perry admits that Dick was intending to rape Nancy. While reading the novel, the author hints around the idea of Dick having sexual desires for the innocent teenager. After the murders had happened Dick shows no remorse or interest in discussing the crime, he remains focused on finding a place to live, stealing, getting money and women.Once the murder had taken place Dick goes back home and acts like nothing ever happened, â€Å"Dick was consuming a Sunday dinner. The others at the table†¦ where not conscious of anything uncommon in his manner†(72) The film never gave background information on what Dick did or felt like when he killed the Clutter family. As described in the novel Dick is educated very street smart, athletic and charming, â€Å"Basketball! Baseball! Football! Dick was always the star player. A pretty good student, too, with A marks in several subjects. (158) The books goes into depth of his education and his sports career but the film leaves it out to give a sense the Hickock was uneducated and a slum. As stated in the book he is able to con shop owners and vulnerable women out of money and property. By conning shop owners is how the two murders were caught. In the film the show the capture of the two, but doesn’t show how or when. Challenging the characterization of Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, the film Cap ote leaves out many descriptive details of the characters and the plot, while the novel In Cold Blood goes above and beyond to explain the characters.
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